NYT: Affluent and Black, and Still Trapped by Segregation

New York Times: “Why well-off black families end up living in poorer areas than white families with similar or even lower incomes.”

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Why life is just so very hard for wealthy, upwardly mobile blacks. They are still victims!

* The terms “wealthy” and “affluent” are intentionally misleading so the writer can tell us about the screwed up finances of black professionals without worrying about a backlash. Nearly all of the families have housing issues with at least one having had a foreclosure.

The St. Louis Federal Reserve released a report showing that black and Hispanic college graduates have a high debt to income ratio, and have seen a negative change in net worth and income over a 20 year period. Home ownership has never been a source of wealth for blacks on average.

* That article was very biased, unbalanced and quite puerile. The NYT seems to be really poor journalism.

* I agree, it was a mess of a report. Much fluff and stuff pulled together that did not satisfy the supposed premise of the article. If the families profiled merited being part of some news report it would be a look at various housing issues in Milwaukee, in which race played perhaps some part.

The mention of car break-ins made me laugh. I live in a comfortable part of a major West Coast city and car break-ins in this neighborhood (and all over the city) are off the wall. Also too many street robberies with a gun in use, and too many home break-ins, “hot prowls” and too great an incidence of home invasion.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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