Should Moving To The USA Be Easy Or Hard?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* At the beginning of the Roman Republic through the glory days of the Empire, Roman citizenship was extremely hard to come by. You might get conquered by the Romans and move to Rome itself with your family, but you were not granted citizenship automatically or by just being born in the empire. The right was jealously guarded; heck, the Romans fought several wars against the already-conquered Samnites solely because those Samnites were demanding Roman citizenship and the Romans said nyet.

But when the Empire was collapsing into a farce, the Romans bestowed citizenship like it was going out of style—anyone conquered got it. It was handed out like water on a rainy day.

Hmmm…when citizenship was limited and valuable, the nation thrived. When it was cheap and plentiful, the nation fell apart.

Parallels, anybody?

* Maybe it’s time to end the Cuban special dispensation, now that the US has restored diplomatic relations with Cuba and the Cold War is over.

Indeed, maybe Cuban immigrants should go to the back of the line for years, since these things are all about morality and virtue, as we all know, and fair is fair.

* What’s the logical outcome of a policy of not deporting immigrants on U.S. soil?

Under this policy, if an immigrant walks up to the border in broad daylight and steps a few inches onto U.S. soil, the immigrant is “in the U.S.”, and would be allowed to permanently stay in the U.S.

With modern transportation and a little entrepreneurial effort, volume could easily swell to millions per month.

How would they be stopped? Build a fence on Mexican soil to prevent them from getting to the border? Build a wall mathematically exactly on the border along the length of the border? Push their feet back exactly at the border before they can step over? Use really strong fans or magnets? How about where the border is a river and they can float a few inches across the border? How would you stop ferries or entire cruise ships from floating across?

* The mass murdering driver of the truck in Nice, Mohamed Bouhlel took part in a “No Borders” protest in solidarity with migrants stuck at the French-Italian border last summer. The Italian & French police are looking for confirmation that his friend in the “Fly Emirates” shirt also appeared in recent selfies with the killer.

* Trump is smarter than we credit him for. His strategy all along has been to galvanize his natural constituency and push them to the polls. It doesn’t matter if you alienate people who wouldn’t vote for you in the first place, no matter what you do or say.
And again, you don’t win by being nice, particularly to people who aren’t nice themselves like this Khan fellow and her harridan of a wife. Trump is right in kicking Khan in the balls while he’s down. Never show weakness, ever. When an American family loses a son in action, it’s likely their only son. For a Muslim family, it’s no great loss, so to speak, as they have larger families and sons to spare. Which goes a long way in explaining Islamic terrorism.

* Trump’s pattern is to counterpunch, seemingly inartfully, The media go crazy, then it comes out that he did have a point.

Already we have learned that Khan has a background in the Middle East as an apologist for sharia law, connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and a supporter of the Abedin family, and a work history with several Clinton-connected firms. He is currently an immigration lawyer. Who knows what revelations are to come? (Anybody else marvel at how the mother is still overwhelmed by grief 12 years after her son’s death?)

* All of the federally protected classes of diversity will be the West’s undoing:

Women are entitled because of Male oppression
Jewish are entitled because of Gentile oppression
Queers are entitled because of Straight oppression
Muslims are entitled because of Christian oppression
Disabled are entitled because of Healthy oppression
Afro-blacks are entitled because of White oppression
Latinos are entitled because of Gringo oppression
Hispanics are entitled because of Gringo oppression
Military Veteran are entitled because of Militia oppression
2-party System Dependents are entitled because of Independent oppression
Aboriginals are entitled because of Paleface oppression
Asians are entitled because of Occidental oppression
National Socialist are entitled because of local-state Government oppression
Crony Capitalist are entitled because of honest Businessmen oppression
Ex-convicts are entitled because of Law-Abiding people oppression
Zionist are entitled because of anti-Fascist oppression

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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