Steve Sailer: Whatever Happened to All Those Violent Trump Supporters We Were Warned About?

Steve Sailer writes: It’s hard to remember all the media manias that have come and gone in attempts to derail the Trump candidacy. For example, the Great Six-Pointed Star Crisis of early July 2016 is already largely forgotten.

It’s hard to remember now after so much leftist violence, but one of the biggest coordinated press campaigns back in the late winter was the idea that Trump rallies were loci of “violence.” Thus, when there was mob violence at a Trump rally in Chicago in March, it was widely blamed initially by the press and politicians on Trump and his violent supporters. Of course, that was 180 degrees backward.

So how did Trump’s convention in Cleveland turn out? Did Trump’s cossacks sack Shaker Heights? Or did that not actually go through the formality of taking place?


* Trump’s supporters tend to be tough looking, blue collar white men. Lots of bikers, truckers, cops, firefighters, and ex-military types. They’re ready for violence and capable of winning fights, but they’re not really anarchic or lawless. They’re sort of like guards, not rioters.

Up until the 90s, there were lots of urban working class neighborhoods full of these types. Their neighborhoods tended to be relatively safe and minorities were often too scared to move in.

Lots of them used to be hardhat Democrats. Since the mid 90s, they’ve been economically and racially marginalized by both parties. Trump seems to really appeal to them.

They’ve never been much into racial guilt or acting deferential to minorities. They’ve beat up some rowdy black protesters who tried to disrupt Trump rallies.

* Hats off to Trump and [Stephen] Miller. I was totally blown away. Trump’s obvious sincerity when describing the murders of Americans by illegal aliens and the effects on their families was very impressive and touching. A truly great and historic speech in my opinion. Also the perfect setup for Hillary’s BLACK LIVES MATTER heartless hatefest scheduled in Philadelphia. It’s on now, and I couldn’t have asked for a better kickoff.

* Was there ever a time that it was against the law for non-citizens/foreign interests to own sizable/ shares/control over national media generators? Imagine Japan having editorial control over or even owning part of the LA Times prior/ during WWII.

Why is Carlos Slim allowed to own a sizable interest in the NY Times as Mexico continues to aggressively mass carpet-bomb us with strategic, sporadically virus-laden, biological warheads, with threats of sending even more if politicians don’t do his/Mexico’s bidding?

* The political geeks can’t figure out why Peter Thiel would endorse Trump, but it makes sense given their German connection. Germans like Thiel’s and Trump’s extended families, along with Scots like Trump’s mother, have a long history of valuing the United States as a second home and a refuge from the Old World. German Americans’ proprietary orientation towards this country leads them to treat it as an asset that needs careful management to maintain its value.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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