NYT: What the Americans Drawn to ISIS Had in Common

Maybe they are all Muslims?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* What, oh, what could be the subtle factors driving residents of the U.S. to enlist in ISIS? The New York Times offers a study of the diverse factors behind would-be ISIS terrorists.

* There’s a wrong assumption in the title of the article. I wonder how many ‘Americans’ drawn to ISIS think of themselves as such?

* The islamic world and the Christian world have been in conflict for over one thousand years. Given that reality why would any sane Western leader allow for the mass immigration of muslims into their nations?

* Even without the terrorism issue, I can think of many reasons not to want Muslims in our country. As group, they’re unassimilable, backward, and difficult to get along with. Many European countries have learned that the hard way. I most certainly don’t want Muslims in my country.

However, our “War on Terror” seems to have indiscriminately slaughtered a huge number of Muslim civilians, for no particular reason. I think if China invaded America and accidentally killed 1 million Americans, Americans would be slightly annoyed. It wouldn’t surprise me if some American troops overseas journeyed back home to fight back against Chinese forces.

Fareed Zakaria had a special called “Why they hate us” on CNN. He seemed to be completely oblivious to all the Muslim deaths from post-2001 wars. He’s not alone. Most Americans, especially our leaders, seem totally oblivious to this.

One final point. You see a lot of people here (such as Peter Frost) talking about the atrocities of Muslim immigrants (crime, sexual violence, Rotherham grooming, terrorism). While I see those as legitimate issues, I noticed there’s little (if any) discussion here on those 1.3 million deaths. The average person here seems not to lose much sleep over the mass slaughter their government is committing overseas. I’ve actually seen more discussion here on Ta Nehisi Coates than this issue.

I think if there were a little more self-awareness on this topic, a lot of problems could’ve been avoided. If Muslim immigration were stopped (or even reversed), that would be very helpful too.

* Right! That explains the murderous rampages in France and Belgium too! And the rapes in Germany! And the terror attacks in Bali! And the Philippines and Malaysia and Nigeria and everywhere else the Islamic world is next to anything else.

* thankfully the original report from fordham law tells us how many of them were muslim: all but one:

Case by Case – ISIS Prosecutions in the United States

you really gotta wonder if that one is the guy named joshua goldberg (pg. 11 of report)!

* Let’s say the Chinese overthrew the American government due to its historical racism against blacks. Then installed black leaders into power and gave them lots of guns . Then those black leaders ethnically cleansed whites and killed lots of them. Then whites retaliates and killed huge numbers of blacks. As this was happening, Chinese soldiers also killed lots of whites. Some of those whites were fighters, but many were just random civilians.

The Chinese could respond to that by pointing out Americans are racist, gun-crazy, and bizarre. It’s not really their fault that any of that happened. If they had to kill Americans, Americans deserved it.

Then Chinese produced a film called “Chinese Sniper.” The film glorified a Chinese soldier who shot lots of white American resistance fighters. Would you like the film?

Arabs and Muslims may be backward, violent, and oppressive. It doesn’t change the fact that our government totally destroyed a functioning country and turned it into hell.

* No Sunni and Shia don’t get along and if forced to mix will kill each other. This is a historical fact. This is why Iraq is segregated along ethnic and religious lines. Saddam kept them from murdering each other with a brutal police force. Afghanistan is also broken up along ethnic and sectarian lines and killing one another is their favorite pastime. Syria was similarly segregated and run by a religious/secular minority.

The only reason why Iran hasn’t invaded Iraq is because they already made Southern Iraq a Persian province. Iraq now a is a rump state composed of a crippled Sunni middle.

And thanks for neglecting the religious aspect that drives it all. Heaven forbid we mention the Koran commands to wage jihad until the entire world is Islamic or how it’s a express train to heaven for believers or it’s viewing of unbelievers as so much worthless scum with no value whatsoever except as a natural resource.

I just wonder how this aspect can be so neglected when it so heavily factors into Islam terrorism.

* But buried in the report is the information that 75% were “second-generation Americans.” (This is ambiguous. The report doesn’t define “second-generation,” but I’m guessing that it means children of people who came here from foreign countries, not the children of people whose parents came here. It also doesn’t say whether this is 75% of citizens or 75% of the total.)

By counting the faces in the NYT article, I’d estimate that 20-30 were either black or non-ME/Asian white. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that there is a much higher correlation between immigration and ME/Asian background than between immigration and African or white background. So, I’m guessing that almost all the Middle-Eastern/Asian ISIS supporters were either recent migrants or the children of recent immigrants.

Hey, that gives me a great idea! How about a moratorium on immigration from Muslim countries!!

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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