Is ‘Frozen’ Anti-Semitic?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Who cares? Frozen is one of the few movies for children that isn’t complete PC garbage or inappropriate.

Jews don’t sit around worrying if they are anti-white, anti-black, anti-Muslim or anything else. So what if some people don’t like Jews or Jewish culture, or oppose Jewish interests?

As far as I know, Frozen is a Disney movie, and Disney is very friendly to Jews. What’s next? Will we start calling food producers anti-semitic for plastering kosher symbols all over everything we eat?

* This Jewish paranoia, which makes them see Goebbels’ face in their rice crispies is the opposite side of the coin of their disdain for the outsider.

One thing Jews have in common with blacks in America is that both groups believe themselves to be unwarranted victims of special persecution. With the Negro, this takes the attitude of “dindu nuffins”, while with the Jew it takes the form of Charlie Brown’s lament in the 1950′s pop song “Why’s everybody always picking on me?”

To perceive oneself as the blameless victim of endless persecution requires that one suspend their belief in Newton’s Third Law which states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Adults know that human relations are governed by laws of reciprocity–one generally gets what one gives. This fundamental truth lies not just at the root of European Science, but Christianity’s Golden Rule, the notion of Karma in Buddhism and the Yin and Yang of Lao Tzu as well. In short, virtually every spokesman for the great Civilizations believes that actions don’t happen in a vacuum.

Spokespersons for Jews, such as Elie Wiesel, part ways from this ancient wisdom and insist, against all evidence, that their people, uniquely, are not subject to the laws of the Universe. Alone among humanity, they are punished for that which they were not in any way responsible. And in their minds this blamelessness sets them apart. They must have been singled out by God to have to bear such iniquity at the hands of the hoi polloi. God has a special purpose for them. Acting upon the sanction of this special purpose they administer punishment to the Gentile. So, as Freud observed, masochism and sadism complement one another in the same personality.

If a group brings this attitude of blamelessness/righteous wrath to the table, then that is their Script in this life. How an individual member of that group deals with this Script is what creates Kharma, one’s personal moral debts and assets. Believing that one is outside the wheel of human causation casts one in a hellish, anxious otherworld. No wonder Jews are paranoid.

* What a ridiculous way to blow this. The peak time for the Republican nominee to come out swinging at Hillary for Benghazi and the emails and he just gives away this idiotic freebie to the press to lay into him. The antisemitic juxtaposition is blatant to any half-way intelligent person, which means the guy doesn’t even bother to hire half-way intelligent people to run his media operation. It all goes to show he’s not genuinely invested in the campaign itself, just the notoriety and attention it’s brought him.

Salute to Trump playing everyone. This whole campaign is about his own stupid ego. He was able to figure out the anti-immigration angle was untapped but he’s just tapped to run this ego campaign for himself and he’s going to end up setting the movement back when he loses in November.

* I am very impressed with Trump. Perhaps it is because I spent time in NY and so I think I have some kind of awareness of his background. It seems he is simply saying we ought to put America first and that makes sense to me. Also he is unlikely to enlarge NATO nor antagonize Russia. That also seems like a good thing because it is certain that the Democrats are very much in favor of NATO expansion and thus likely to start WWIII. So I think that Trump is good for everyone–including Jewish people.

* How anti-Semitic is Hillary? She grew up in Chicago, a town awash in anti-Semitic symbols, and not once has she denounced the sea of anti-Semitism that surrounded her for decades! In fact, she is proud of her hateful home town!

Here is her home town’s flag, which has not one, but four anti-Semitic symbols!

This horrible flag is displayed all over Chicago, and not once has Hillary called for the flag to be taken down!

She roots for a sports team whose fans proudly display this hateful symbol!

The mayor of Hillary’s home town proudly displays an anti-Semitic symbol on Hillary’s home town website even today!

At a news conference, the mayor of Hillary’s home town stands proudly before this hideous anti-Semitic symbol!

* Peter Bart (the longtime Variety editor-in-chief) wrote in one of his books (Boffo!):

Disney remained something of a hick from the Midwest who thought of Jews as accountants and merchants. I once made the mistake of asking Walt a question that had business implications (we were having lunch at the Disney commissary at the time) and he replied by saying, “Let me check that with my Jew.” He started to summon a financial aide nearby, but I quickly changed the subject.

* Abuse of anti-Semitism charges by Jewish groups against their enemies ends up the same place as overusing antibiotics against disease does, with the target population building up a resistance to anti-Semitism claims, so that even stronger and more hysterical anti-Semitic claims must be found to move the needle at all.

On the other hand, those of us who used to listen to Public Enemy know the word “Frozen” can be stretched and twisted into an anti-Semitic complot. Below are Public Enemy’s lyrics from their song “Welcome to the Terrordome” This song was in response to their “Minister of Information” Professor Griff, being forced to resign from the group for “anti-Semitic” comments back in the late 80′s:

Crucifixion ain’t no fiction
So-called chosen frozen
Apology made to whoever pleases
Still they got me like Jesus

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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