The Trump Strategy

Daniel McCarthy aka Tory Anarchist tweets:

* Almost seems Trump has deliberate strategy to keep the spotlight on himself, not his opponent, good light or bad.

* If that’s his strategy, it relies on media playing along: grasping a distraction from Hillary’s woes. Trump offers easy alternative target.

* As a strategy, preempting your opponent’s bad news cycle w/ bad news of your own seems nuts, unless you think attention is all that counts.

* That said, Trump used his gaffes to good effect in the primaries. He sucked all media oxygen away from rivals—made them background figures.

* Trump won the primaries this way: he kept the limelight 100% of the time by being as outrageous as necessary. He became whole focus of race.

* The more outrageous & surreal the Trump-focused race became, the more ridiculous his opponents looked. He thrived in the climate he created.

* Trump’s opponents were mostly the usual stuffed shirts & grifters pretending to be serious men. They needed the pretense. Trump blew it away.

* Now there’s Hillary Clinton. Sober stateswoman? Look at her polices—Iraq, Libya, banks—look at abusing her State Dept communications. C’mon.

* Trump shattered the myth of GOP respectability with his own complete lack of respectability. Can that work against Hillary? Fun to find out.

* President Trump would have the press, the Democrats (back in civil libertarian disguise) & much of his own party against him. Strong checks.

* President Clinton will have a sycophantic party, servile press, opposition at civil war with itself. Illusion of unity hiding deep cracks.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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