When Will Trump Act Presidential?

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* Bottom line is Trump said he’d act more presidential in the general and he said he cut way back on tweeting and blah, blah, blah …

Trump is just a hardcore REAL ESTATE ANIMAL to the bone and everything he says is plastic, claymation.

If you’ve ever met a hardcore real estate professional then none of what Trump says is surprising. They can’t tell the straight truth about anything. Ever.

* Yes Trump is a super-genius planning triple bank shots and not someone who just got rolled by an alt.righter who slipped in an antisemitic meme.

So this was an own goal. Maybe it was caused by not having enough Jews around campaign HQ. Should have showed this to his son-in-law before retweeting – he would have seen the not-so-hidden message right way.

Maybe he can use a noose next to appeal to the black vote. I’m going to “hang” Hillary out to dry! Nooses are associated with the hangman game, with the legal execution of war criminals, etc. and not just lynching, so no problem.

* Mr. Sailer is quite correct that DJT is only espousing common sense not-that- radical notions. It makes the reaction of the Kristols, Wills, Republicans, etc so absurd. Also the Left. It speaks to how bad off we are as a society. He has really struck a nerve.
There have been many attempts at explanation, here and elsewhere, none entirely correct, all having elements of the truth. It is multifactorial, for sure. It is puzzling and fascinating. For instance, the Kochs hate him, but his talk of re-examining our commitments abroad should be right up their Cato alley. Some of it hysteria. He is unPC (but this is not uncommon in much of America). I don’t understand it completely. But I am sure it is a good thing for America and would be fantastic if he could win. The bigger question is whether he would be the beginning of a long term change or just a temporary lull in the decimation of the West.
Steve also makes another great point about DJT. How aware is he of what he is doing? He is obviously a very smart man.
Is he the Prince, though? I mostly think no, but sometimes I wonder.

* Most of the Jews in the US originated in the 1880s-1914 immigration from the Russian Empire. Any Russian expression of nationalism to them meant a Cossack raid. More glaringly, it meant a government that induced pressure to convert to Orthodoxy. Much of what we call the “war on Christmas” is mostly Jewish angst that public display of Christian symbols will induce their children into converting.

* That Sailer is not himself an extravagant haircut doesn’t mean he thinks they’re all wrong. He seems to have a mellow lack of bloodthirstiness that probably comes with his long tenure as a crime thinker. The zeal of the convert, the driving force of many of the extravagant haircuts, attenuates with time.

Another reason to relax (very slightly) is that human peoples of moderate or higher IQ, such as global Europa, eventually wake up. This is particularly true with the Internet, which has broken elite control over public discourse. (Happened with the printing press to a lesser degree half a millennium ago.) Europa in the United States and Europe simultaneously awakens right now. Sure, some of us saw the writing on the wall 10 years ago, indeed some probably saw it during the Bell Curve wars (Murray obviously did), but it’s catching on with the broader populace as time passes.

* Last night I saw a clear example of Obama’s flapdoodle about black Americans. I was watching Fox News when they broke away to show Obama delivering his Fourth of July speech from the White House. He took the occasion to speak about our “heroes” in the armed forces, but standing behind him on the stage were five or six black men and women. Not one white person in sight. I guess the idea was to give the impression to America that the brave men and women in our armed forces supposedly protecting America are all black. I wonder what percentage of the military is black, especially the forces that do the actual fighting. I wonder what percentage of those who return in body bags are black. Probably a lot less than 100%. Even the blonde commentator on Fox who introduced the little segment gave a smile of support to our men and women in uniform. I thought the whole episode was rather strange. I take this as a sign that Obama is starting to do all he can to rally black Americans to vote for Hillary Clinton.

* It is common knowledge that blacks serve in the supply lines not in the front lines. It is whites and Hispanics who engage the enemies and get injured or die. Lets give credit to these Hispanics for having a warrior instinct and patriotism. With blacks it is “I ain’t got no quarrel with no Vietcong” plus the US military is into affirmative action promotions.

* In Jeff Connaughton’s excellent “Why Wall Street Always Wins,” the author, who was a senior aide to Joe Biden for several decades, blithely explains that whenever Biden needed money, he would contact his network of Jewish lawyers for contributions. He explains this matter of factly because he is out of the game. I thought it was hilarious.

The book overall is a great read to contrast what happens when a senator is allowed to vote freely. Biden’s last two years were served by Ted Kaufman, who went hard after Wall Street after the housing debacle since he had no intention of running again in 2010. It stood in stark contrast to the wishy-washy Biden, who was always failed to balance the needs of the country with his own aims for higher office.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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