Jews Vs Asians

Comments at Steve Sailer:

* We younger American Ashkenazi Jews are failing to live up to potential in the opinions of Messrs. Unz and Reed. In the future, the most gifted will probably be Asian. Regardless, even in the here and now only elite and connected Jews have the potential for national influence. In smaller Jewish community settings, politically conservative Jews get shut down almost immediately by the far more numerous liberal Jews who aren’t remotely eager to hear what the conservatives have to say. That’s why I have nothing to do with my local Jewish community. Better to be a recluse than actively hated.

* LF: Jews are not lacking for success and influence in the West. Jews probably own at least a quarter and probably more of all real estate (by value) in the US. They determine the Overton Window. They run the media and finance. They donate most of the money to the political parties.

* I think immigration is just an artifact of Emancipation. The Jews who stayed in Hungary, Germany etc did extraordinarily well for themselves too (at least until the unfortunate events of 1933-45). In all likelihood we will see a quasi-emancipation of ultra-Orthodox youth in the next couple of decades too as ultra-Ortho economic model is not sustainable long term.

* While existing wealth and power doesn’t disappear overnight except in war, etc., young Jews have largely disappeared from the ranks of National Merit Finalists, math competition winners, etc. In part this is because young (non-Orthodox) Jews have disappeared period (having never been born), but also because they are like other American kids and would rather play video games than do math problems. Edison said that genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration – Asians are still willing to sweat.

* LF: Neither Fred Reed nor Run Unz know anything about Jewish life aside from what they read in the papers. When you have a group such as Ashkenazi Jews who have an average IQ around 110, they’re going to continue to dominate. The Jewish kids I meet and know are every bit as brilliant as their parents. The Mirman School in Los Angeles only accepts children with an IQ above 145. The school is at least a third Jewish. When you see billionaires and other people creating the future, it seems like at least a third of them are Jewish.

Jews are far more aggressive than asians, and are far more verbally gifted, and have more drive. In media, politics, law, academia, law, etc, Jews will retain control.

When I see an asian lawyer go up against an Ashkenazi, it’s like watching a deer attack a lion.

Average Jewish household wealth is about twice that of the next richest group — Japanese Americans.

Which group do you think will most advise the next five presidents? Asians or Jews?

* There are over one billion East Asians relative to around 15 million Jews, of which only a little more than half are Ashkenazi. The average East Asian IQ is around 105 and possibly higher in some regions with the result that there are more East Asians with IQ’s above 140 than there are Jews in the world. I also question whether we have seen all that Asians are capable of in this country since so many American Asians are recent immigrants or first-generation American b0rn and raised somewhat apart from American culture. It may be the case that the most gifted and aggressive Ashkenazi Jews retain a greater share of control in law and politics, but what about more ordinary Jews? They will have to compete harder for a pool of jobs that will be in constant decline due to automation. The Asians may actually have an advantage in the subset of technology jobs where visual/spatial intelligence is more important than verbal intelligence.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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