
Comment: Google is learning, too.

Do a search for “Bolshevism” and marvel at what you’ll see in the featured “snippet box”, the “no. zero result.”

Then, if you like conundrums, check some guides on how to get your page featured in the Google’s Snippet Box, and try to get how that particular page got featured.

WikiPedia is learning too: it seems they have merged (English, international) with the Israeli version of the site; although, for now, they’ll continue to provide contents also in English translation.

Luke: I put “Bolshevism” into Google and on top of the search results, I got this snippet: “Jewish Bolshevism, also known as Judeo-Bolshevism, is an antisemitic canard which alleges that the Jews were at the origin of the Russian Revolution and held the primary power among Bolsheviks. Similarly, the Jewish Communism theory implies that Jews have been dominating the Communist movements in the world.”

More from Wikipedia: Similarly, the Jewish Communism theory implies that Jews have been dominating the Communist movements in the world. It is similar to the ZOG conspiracy theory, which asserts that Jews control world politics.[1] The expressions have been used as a catchword for the assertion that Communism is a Jewish conspiracy, and it has often coincided with overtly aggressive nationalistic tendencies in the 20th century and 21st century. In Poland, “Judeo-Bolshevism” was known as “Żydokomuna” and was used as an antisemitic stereotype.[2]

The expression was the title of a pamphlet, The Jewish Bolshevism, and became current after the 1917 October Revolution in Russia, featuring prominently in the propaganda of the anti-communist “White” forces during the Russian Civil War.

The theory was propagated by the Nazi Party and their American sympathizers.[3][4][5][6] According to Hannah Arendt it was “the most efficient fiction of Nazi Propaganda”.[7] In Poland before World War II, the label Żydokomuna was used in the same way to allege that the Jews were conspiring with the USSR to capture Poland.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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