Daily Archives: September 15, 2024

‘Everyone is numbing out’

If you have strong bonds, if you have children, I don’t believe you are numbing out and I don’t believe you lack meaning and I don’t believe you have the following problems. What kind of person with children to support … Continue reading

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How to Make the Most of Your 20s

Catherine Shannon wrote: …when dating, there’s a subtle way to communicate to men that their best behavior is necessary with you. And it’s certainly not overtly stating, “I am a high-value woman.” It’s a combination of social grace, elegance, and … Continue reading

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Optimization Will Not Save You

Magdalene J. Taylor wrote: Huberman is one of many people aligned in the contemporary cult of optimization. Bryan Johnson is another poster child of the movement, as is much of the SF tech scene writ large. Most of these types … Continue reading

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