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Daily Archives: May 21, 2024
Decoding Politics: Identity v Policy, Interests v Principles (5-21-24)
01:00 NYT: The Dangerous Political Headwind Facing Biden,https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/21/opinion/thepoint#biden-trump-popularity12:00 Ideology vs. Identity: What Drives Political Preferences?1:02:00 Janan Ganesh: Maybe politics, which for decades has been dysfunctional in the US, doesn’t matter that much, https://www.ft.com/content/4effcabc-8b5b-4cd4-a3e7-b5a38f4878631:08:00 NYT: How Extremists Took Over Israel, https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/magazine/israel-west-bank-settler-violence-impunity.html1:58:00 … Continue reading