Daily Archives: August 2, 2023

Decoding Decoding The Gurus, Part Two (8-2-23)

01:00 Decoding Decoding The Gurus, Part Two, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=14954510:20 The Valley Exposed: Luke Ford, the outsider, https://www.dailynews.com/2007/06/06/the-valley-exposed-luke-ford-the-outsider/16:00 Column: A Democratic and Republican battled for Congress. They became unlikely friends, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=14961319:00 Chris Mooney Discusses “The Republican Brain” with Jonathan Haidt and Chris … Continue reading

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Column: A Democratic and Republican battled for Congress. They became unlikely friends

I was good friends with Republican political consultant Rob Stutzman at Placer High School. This article captures the bloke I knew. Rob was always civil. He played hard but he played by the rules. He valued our institutions. He valued … Continue reading

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SMH: Let’s draw a line through a bill of rights

James Allan is Garrick Professor of Law at Queensland University. He writes in the Sydney Morning Herald Sep. 6, 2005: Compare the constitutional structures of Canada and Australia. Both are federal systems. Both share the English common law tradition, the … Continue reading

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Conservative Anti-Fascism

June 6, 2017, Dennis Prager wrote: One would think that Jonah Goldberg, of all people, would understand this. He is the author of what I consider to be a modern classic, Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, … Continue reading

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The Political Economy of the Frankfurt School

Christian Fleck writes The paper presents the findings of two recent books on the financial history of the Frankfurt School: Jeanette Erazo-Heufelder, Der argentinische Krösus: Kleine Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Frankfurter Schule, 2017, and Bertus Mulder, Sophie Louisa Kwaak und das Kapital … Continue reading

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