Monthly Archives: July 2023

Recovering from a red pill overdose

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Recovering From The Red Pill

According to Wikipedia: The concept of red and blue pills has since been widely used as a political metaphor, especially among right libertarians and conservatives in the United States, where “taking the red pill” or being “red-pilled” means becoming aware … Continue reading

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Decoding Dennis Dale (7-10-23)

01:00 Dennis Dale went off on me last night then deleted his stream, Why is the right so stupid these days? II (6-16-23) I may be a loser but at least I saw through the BS! Elliott … Continue reading

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Why The Media Blackout On An Anti-Lockdown Study From Johns Hopkins? (7-9-23)

01:00 MSM take affirmative action ruling personally16:00 Media blackout on John Hopkins study on lockdowns, Did So-Called ‘Johns Hopkins Study’ Really Show Lockdowns Were Ineffective Against Covid-19?, Judge stops Biden administration from most outreach to social media 36:00 … Continue reading

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My Recommended Reading List

Here are the books that have most influenced me: * Predisposed: Liberals, Conservatives, and the Biology of Political Differences (2013) * Lack of Character: Personality and Moral Behavior by John M. Doris (2005) * The Tragedy of Great Power Politics … Continue reading

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