Monthly Archives: April 2023

We’re Losing Our Freedoms! (4-5-23)

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It’s The Most Important Election Ever!

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Dennis Prager: Could It Happen Here? It Is Happening Here. (4-4-23)

01:00 Tucker on the unveiling of the indictment 18:00 Trump’s speech 37:00 35 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Tools 41:00 Could It Happen Here? It Is Happening Here., 1:16:00 Dennis Prager says public schools are poison

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The Onrushing Collapse Of Shadow & Regional Banking (4-3-23)

01:00 FT: Shadow banks could yet cause trouble, 04:00 FT: US regional banks reduced cash buffers ahead of run on deposits, 18:00 Prager: Ends justify the means, 21:00 Stephen J James: Talking about Luke Ford with Claire … Continue reading

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Examining Hero Systems & Conservative Claims Of Cultural Oppression (4-2-23)

01:00 Do people with a 70 IQ have a hero system? 02:50 Rony Guldmann’s hero system 06:00 Typical right-wing American hero systems 07:30 Hero systems of the Left 15:00 Moving will change your hero system 18:00 Orthodox Judaism as a … Continue reading

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