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Daily Archives: April 3, 2022
The Flight 93 Election Reconsidered (4-3-22)
00:00 My intellectual excitement 03:00 The Flight 93 Election original essay by Michael Anton, https://claremontreviewofbooks.com/digital/the-flight-93-election/ 04:00 Politics of Meaning/Meaning of Politics: Cultural Sociology of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, https://lukeford.net/blog/?p=143207 07:45 Louis Theroux’s documentary on Nick Fuentes, Baked Alaska, Beardson, … Continue reading
The Politics Of Knowledge
Here are some highlights from this 2011 book: * …* more difficult for intellectuals to sustain the type of vertical authority that is associated with the first two types of public intellectuals. With education comes a growing awareness of the … Continue reading
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Politics of Meaning/Meaning of Politics: Cultural Sociology of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Here are some highlights from this 2019 book: * Bannon functions as a performance-enhancing drug. The secret of his power over Trump, and over some large swath of the American people, has been his mythopoeic abilities, writing the script, setting … Continue reading
Posted in America
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Stephen Turner and the Philosophy of the Social
Here are some highlights from this 2021 book: * Tocqueville claimed that when he visited the US in the mid-nineteenth century most people did not genuinely believe in God or in Christian dogmas. However, as most people also believed that … Continue reading
Posted in Philosophy
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