Monthly Archives: June 2021

Most Common Vote Fraud Claims

Great analysis here from three political scientists: ALLEGATIONS: More votes than voters in MI Expert Witness: Ramsland USA Today More votes than voters in PA PA State Rep. Frank Ryan AP News More votes than voters nationally Trump tweet PolitiFact … Continue reading

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How claims of voter fraud were supercharged by bad science

From MIT Technology Review: * Published in 2014 by Jesse Richman, a political science professor at Old Dominion University, it argues that illegal votes have played a major role in recent political outcomes. In 2008, Richman argued, “non-citizen votes” for … Continue reading

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‘Trump’s Claims About Illegal Votes Are Nonsense. I Debunked the Study He Cites as ‘Evidence.’’

From Brian Schaffner is a political science professor at University of Massachusetts-Amherst and the founding director of UMass Poll. Donald Trump is making news with his false claim that he would have won the national popular vote if millions … Continue reading

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Woke Institutions is Just Civil Rights Law

Richard Hananiah writes: Liberals control institutions because they care more about politics, a disparity that grew larger around 2016. This makes attempts to use government (i.e., bureaucracy!) to take back the culture unlikely to succeed, at least in the short … Continue reading

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The Art Of Spiritual War (6-9-21)

00:00 What gives you energy? 06:00 Curing Back Pain in 90 Seconds, 10:00 My fave music playlist, 34:00 Nadine Strossen – Fighting for Free Speech in Today’s America, 35:40 Boys & Men Count, 51:00 I stand … Continue reading

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