Monthly Archives: February 2021

Saturday Night Right (2-20-21) Jews in the American Academy, 1900-1940: The Dynamics of Intellectual Assimilation,

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The Myth Of Voter Fraud

When Republicans talk about voter fraud, they are rarely talking about voter fraud. Instead, they are usually using rhetoric to push for making voting more difficult under the theory that lower turnout elections favor Republicans. Read The_Politics_of_Voter_Fraud and Voter fraud … Continue reading

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Boris Johnson On IQ & Wealth Inequality

Comments at Steve Sailer: * He must have heard that classic rhetorical advice somewhere along his way about the necessity to deliver both to your audience: Delights and insights. – And he did take this lesson to his heart. Btw. … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter: Voter Fraud Never Happens! (Except in These 10,000 Cases)

Ann writes Dec. 9, 2020 in her syndicated column: The media have been lying about voter fraud for 20 years. The New York Times and The Washington Post will tell you: Let’s get something straight. There are only two cases … Continue reading

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The Malicious Journalist Hypothesis (2-18-21)

00:00 The demonic/malicious worldview, 19:00 Revisiting my falling out with Brundlefly from Sept. 2, 2019, 1:23:00 Richard Spencer on Jewish intelligence, paranoia, Laura Loomer, 1:26:00 What Goes Around Comes Around: Liberaltarian Meltdown at Niskanen Center, 1:31:00 … Continue reading

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