Monthly Archives: October 2019

ABC: Former alt-right member on how hate groups get people to join: ‘It was presented as wholesome’

From ABC News: During her mid-20s, Samantha spent about a year of her life embroiled in a white supremacist hate group. “I never thought of myself as a racist person, but I was,” she said. Samantha, who asked for her … Continue reading

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#345 10-24-19 Zero Tolerance: Trump’s Immigration Policy

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The Reviled Right: Sailer on Andrew Marantz’s “The Sailer Strategy”

Steve Sailer writes for Takimag: In 2019, two books demanding more censorship have each devoted a chapter to portraying me as a historic villain. In the first, Angela Saini’s Superior: The Return of Race Science, I was cast as a … Continue reading

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Analyzing The Joe Rogan Experience

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Saying Heil To Richard Spencer

Andrew Marantz writes in his new book, Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation: In the backyard, Samantha struck up a conversation with Richard Spencer, the man of the hour. He touched her arm and offered … Continue reading

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