Monthly Archives: February 2019

The Woman Question

Kyle Rowland writes: Men are instinctively predisposed towards providing for and protecting women. This means that women will get as much as men can give them, in terms of luxury and freedom. ‘Patriarchies’ are poor or insecure, and cannot afford … Continue reading

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The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do by Judith Rich Harris

Here are some highlights: * Generalization 1: Parents who do a good job of managing their lives, and who get along well with others, tend to have children who are also good at managing their lives and getting along with … Continue reading

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The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration

Read pdf of this 2017 book. Per @theNASciences, it only gets worse. Immigrants overall are a fiscal burden for *three generations*.#AssimilationIsAMyth — I Aver🌲 (@i_aver) February 5, 2019

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Valley Girls

Monsieur writes: Mr. Ford, I went to a French restaurant to get dinner. Incredibly dense scene to unpack. You had this young white woman, blonde and kinda pudgy, with a Valley Girl accent. I was immediately bothered by that because … Continue reading

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The Dark Side Of Psychometry

Kyle Rowland writes (PDF version with pictures): As we came to understand human mental characteristics better, the obvious move was to apply this understanding to improve society. However, with every step towards practical application, sophistication was lost. Where the rubber … Continue reading

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