Monthly Archives: December 2018

Parashat Vayigash (Genesis 44:18-47:27)

Listen here and here and here. According to Wikipedia: “Vayigash or Vaigash (וַיִּגַּשׁ‬ — Hebrew for “and he drew near” or “then he drew near,” the first word of the parashah) is the eleventh weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‬, parashah) in … Continue reading

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James Fields Convicted, Yellow Jackets Riot In Paris (12-8-18)

Doooovid, Rodney Martin, and later Brundlefly join the show. Tweets by RebDoooovid Tweets by BrundleFly14

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Richard Spencer Hosts Heel Turn (12-7-18)

00:00 Richard Spencer’s performance last night discussed 02:32 Brundlefly joins 39:46 Colin Liddell joins 41:30 Greg Johnson discussion 1:03:20 Why Colin Liddell fell out with Richard Spencer 1:05:00 Matt Forney joins 1:14:00 Colin Liddell leaves 1:14:30 Identity Evropa discussed 1:55:00 … Continue reading

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Clash Of The Titans: Kristol vs D’Souza (12-6-18)

00:00 Dinesh D’Souza vs Bill Kristol 24:00 Why we miss the WASPs 37:00 Bret Weinstein vs Stefan Molyneux & Nathan Cofnas 56:00 Is A String Of Attacks Against Brooklyn Jews Really About Anti-Semitism? 1:05:00 The Deuce 1:10:00 Elizabeth Warren’s advisers … Continue reading

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Forward: “Is A String of Attacks Against Brooklyn Jews Really About Anti-Semitism?”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * First, when whites move into a black area, it is called gentrification and it is bad. Why is it bad? Well they say gentrification drives up home prices, which drives up rents and property taxes. … Continue reading

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