Monthly Archives: December 2018

Megan McCardle in WP: Who should decide what topics are off-limits?

Steve Sailer writes: McArdle: You Should be Allowed to Ask if It’s OK to Ask if Race Influences IQ, But Not to Ask if Race Influences IQ …Okay, but should arguments based on the assumption that there cannot be empirical … Continue reading

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NYT Flirts With Mass Suicide, Take That Pete Davidson

00:00 NYT: Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy? 10:00 Ariana Grande, Pete Davidson 28:00 Texas dad could lose custody of 6-y-o son for not affirming transgender identity 36:00 Sam Harris quits Patreon, protesting deplatforming 40:00 Criticizing Islam 1:06:00 New media … Continue reading

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The Sins Of Leon Wieseltier

Joseph Epstein writes: My first contact with Leon Wieseltier was by letter. The year was 1977. Written on Balliol College, Oxford, letterhead stationery, the letter informed me that I was a force for superior culture in America, one of the … Continue reading

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Transgenderism & Becoming Who We Are

Pat emails: If a man insists he is a ‘woman’, others have to call him as he demands. His self-perception is the only truth. If you still see a man and not a woman and say as much, you are … Continue reading

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Parasha Vayechi (Gen. 47:28-50:26)

Listen here and related: Here and here. This week’s Torah portion concludes the Book of Genesis: “The parashah tells of Jacob’s request for burial in Canaan, Jacob’s blessing of Joseph’s sons Ephraim and Manasseh, Jacob’s blessing of his sons, Jacob’s … Continue reading

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