Monthly Archives: November 2018

The Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre

Was this slaughter prompted by disrespectful speech? Jews have about the most violent speech around and yet they have about the lowest rates of criminal violence. The Jewish Bible contains God’s commands to commit genocide. Is that hate speech? If … Continue reading

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Why Do Blacks Support Immigration?

Black Americans….Another serious question…What the HELL are you voting for immigration for? Name one single solitary benefit Black Americans have received from immigrants coming here and getting elevated status over you?I can give a list of ways it has worked … Continue reading

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Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution by Tucker Carlson

00:00 KMG outlines his travels 60:00 Ship of Fools review From “The host of Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson Tonight offers a blistering critique of the new American ruling class, the elites of both parties, who have taken over … Continue reading

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Pattern Recognition

* Birthing story * Nursing textbook story * Fairy Island * Three months with the Alt Right * Is it safe to be a Jew in NYC? * James Baldwin in 1967: Negroes Are Anti-Semitic Because They’re Anti-White "During the … Continue reading

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NYT: Is It Safe to Be Jewish in New York?

By Ginia Bellafante: But, in fact, anti-Semitism was already quietly on the rise. For several years now, expressions of anti-Jewish sentiment have made up the preponderance of hate crime complaints in the city. Contrary to what are surely the prevailing … Continue reading

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