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"Luke Ford reports all of the 'juicy' quotes, and has been doing it for years." (Marc B. Shapiro)
"This guy knows all the gossip, the ins and outs, the lashon hara of the Orthodox world. He’s an [expert] in... all the inner workings of the Orthodox world." (Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff)"This generation's Hillel." (Nathan Cofnas)
Daily Archives: September 7, 2018
Book Club: When Pride Still Mattered: A Life Of Vince Lombardi
00:00 Vince Lombardi bio 1:30:00 Kamala Harris, Cory Booker at the Brett Kavanaugh hearings 1:33:00 Boris Johnson heads for his second divorce, future PM of Great Britain 1:40:00 UK’s crime spiral, anarcho-tyranny 1:42:00 Bristol Palin and that term “trailer trash” … Continue reading