Monthly Archives: June 2018

Loss Of Respect For The Alt Right

Richard Spencer says the Alt Right’s premiere intellectual is Kevin MacDonald. Spencer has apparently not read the Nathan Cofnas critique of Kevin’s book Culture of Critique but he has praised Kevin’s response to Cofnas. Oxford scholar Nathan Cofnas writes: …MacDonald’s … Continue reading

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I Can See Clearly Now

My iphone over-heated and automatically shut off, killing my stream. It was only 83 degrees outside. Sad! Art Bell: “THE LIGHT SHINES IN – Luke just admit you are talking about the Donald – he stopped taking your calls. Good … Continue reading

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9 Things Alt-Right Men Need to Know

Sophie writes: 5. Stop trying to purge people! What kind of whacked out brain-fry drug den did you just crawl out of to think that any white person to the right of center is disposable? Identify them for what they … Continue reading

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Boston Globe: Man arraigned on charges of illegally recording patrons of Brookline restaurant’s bathroom

Boston Globe: BROOKLINE — The owner of a kosher Chinese restaurant stayed out of public view Friday as he was arraigned for allegedly secretly recording patrons as they used the bathroom at his restaurant. Tze Ping Chung, 63, of Weston … Continue reading

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Parsha Korach (Numbers 16:1–18:32) 6-10-18

Listen here. Wikipedia: “Korah and his band asked Moses and Aaron why they placed themselves above the rest of the community, for the entire congregation is holy.” As Tears for Fears put it, everybody wants to rule the world. J* … Continue reading

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