Monthly Archives: February 2018

Jews Vs. Nazis, Torah Vs Mein Kampf

Listen here. More. More. Isaiah 2:4: “And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, … Continue reading

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Sexual Utopia In Power

Soundcloud MP3. Sexual Utopia In Power by Roger Devlin: The attempt to realize a sexual utopia for women was doomed to failure before it began. Women’s wishes aim at the impossible, conflict with one another, and change unpredictably. Hence, any … Continue reading

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Jews, Germans & Arabs

Comments: * The Jews ran quite a few “good Arabs,” out of Zion, no? Is that ironic? * No, it’s completely different. My grandfather had nothing against Germans. He had never met a German in his life. He didn’t want … Continue reading

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Jews, Capitalism & Usury

Dutch posts: “The real opprobrium earned by the Jews was their association with the usury that underpins Capitalism. It can make you rich but will also make you hated.” I remember in high school, I used to lend people money, … Continue reading

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Why Do We Take It For Granted That There Are Bad Parts Of Town?

I hear all the time in the United States about how this and that place are a “bad part of town.” And we just accept that is how things are. There are bad parts of town just like there are … Continue reading

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