Monthly Archives: December 2017

The Case For Off-Shore Balancing

John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt wrote in 2016: Americans’ distaste for the prevailing grand strategy should come as no surprise, given its abysmal record over the past quarter century. In Asia, India, Pakistan, and North Korea are expanding their … Continue reading

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‘Liberal Dreams & International Realities’

John J. Mearsheimer has a new book containing eight chapters coming out next year with this working title. Three weeks ago, he gave three lectures at Yale based on material from his new book. “The United States has pursued liberal … Continue reading

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Will Trump Bring The Messiah?

If President @realDonaldTrump ushered in the Messiah and brought the world perpetual peace, 80% of Jews would criticize him for tampering with the status quo and harming the armaments industry. The left’s hatred for him is of Biblical proportions. Hear: … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘Nearly 100 nuns at a nursing home near the Skirball fire were evacuated. With nowhere to go, staff took them in’

Whatever happened to Catholic charity? I can’t believe a group of 100 nuns could find no help from the Los Angeles Catholic community. If these were Jews in trouble, our community would have rallied to help them. Unlike Protestantism, which … Continue reading

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Tats & Crooks

From the book Left of Bang: How the Marine Corps’ Combat Hunter Program Can Save Your Life: * A study, which focused on the relationship between tattoos and the criminal way of life, found that criminals get tattoos for reasons … Continue reading

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