Monthly Archives: December 2017

A Field Guide to Thoughtstoppers

John Michael Greer writes: A thoughtstopper is exactly what the term suggests: a word, phrase, or short sentence that keeps people from thinking. A good thoughtstopper is brief, crisp, memorable, and packed with strong emotion. It’s also either absurd, self-contradictory, … Continue reading

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This blog post is not intended to condone violence or hate

I was checking out some Millenial Woes videos the other day and on each video description was this ridiculous sentence: “This video is not intended to condone violence or hate.” What the hell? It seems to me that the only … Continue reading

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Why Is Trump Moving The U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem?

This is the best explanation I’ve heard yet. Andrew Sullivan writes: I have to say I roll my eyes at the various attempts to explain President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state, and to … Continue reading

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Ovadiah Yosef – The Early Years (1)

I’m listening to this lecture by Marc B. Shapiro for Torah in Motion. Apparently, the late Israeli sage Ovadiah Yosef did not come from a distinguished rabbinic family. He had two brothers who were not religious. The Sephardim have few … Continue reading

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Parasha Mikeitz (Gen. 41:1-44.17)

Listen here. This week’s Torah portion tells the story of “Joseph’s interpretation of Pharaoh’s dreams, Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt, and Joseph’s testing of his brothers.” * My cohost Dennis Dale asks: Is Judaism a proposition religion? * The … Continue reading

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