Monthly Archives: October 2017

New Yorker: ‘Birth of a White Supremacist – Mike Enoch’s transformation from leftist contrarian to nationalist shock jock’

I have many Jewish friends who find gentile nationalisms, particularly white nationalism, terrifying. Nationalism means that you are devoted to your people. Jews are devoted to their people. Why shouldn’t goyim be devoted to their people? To me, it’s not … Continue reading

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The Joys Of Diversity

Most Orthodox Jews I know prefer to spend most of their spare time with other Orthodox Jews. On the other hand, many of the Orthodox Jews I know prefer to have non-Jews as neighbors because they’re not as nosy. From … Continue reading

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The Age You Peak At Everything

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Judaism, Homosexuality & The Alt Right

We discuss Andrew Joyce’s three essays on the Alt Right & homosexuality. Listen here. My cohosts are Dennis Dale and Casey the Classicist. * The Messiah Will Purify Jewish Bloodlines. * We discuss Count Joseph Arthur de Gobineau (14 July … Continue reading

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Forward: ‘Shadowy Blacklist Of Student Activists Wins Endorsement Of Mainstream Pro-Israel Group’

Forward: For more than two years, a shadowy website called Canary Mission has posted political dossiers on students active in pro-Palestinian groups, saying it hopes to keep them from finding work after college. Now, a mainstream Jewish pro-Israel organized has … Continue reading

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