Monthly Archives: September 2017

Undercover With the Alt-Right

Jesse Singal writes for the New York Times: In Britain, Mr. Hermansson attended a private dinner of extremists where Greg Johnson, a reclusive leading American far-right figure who is editor in chief of Counter-Currents Publishing, explained the need to “mainstream … Continue reading

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Making Sense of the Alt Right by George Hawley

Here are selections from this superb new book: * Given everything that occurred in 2016, most observers can be forgiven for failing to note one additional bizarre moment when, in late August, Clinton experienced one of the weirdest examples of … Continue reading

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Why Aren’t NFL Quarterbacks Very Good This Year?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Quarterbacks are taking their cue from the poorly performing President Trump. Quarterbacks need guidance, and President Trump’s weak, wobbly actions have dejected and demoralized the football slingers. President Trump’s cheap stunt of 20 or 30 … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Scorched earth. Harrowing escapes. Half a million on the move. How did the Rohingya crisis come to this?’

So what do Rohingya contribute? It’s fine to cry about how nobody wants you, but what do you have to give? That’s the question unhappy individuals and groups should ask themselves. If you hate your job, what skills do you … Continue reading

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Making Sense Of The Alt Right

Weekly Standard: “The alt-right may not be who you think they are, according to George Hawley: “The notion that youthful rebellion necessarily leads young people to the left is an additional blind spot in mainstream thinking. To begin with, it … Continue reading

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