Monthly Archives: September 2017

LAT: In Trump’s bully pulpit, it’s us vs. them, with race often used as a device to polarize

Cathleen Decker writes: For much of his time as president, Donald Trump has been the bully in the bully pulpit, castigating targets foreign and domestic. Much of Trump’s bluster attempts to divide people into us-against-them, and it often has a … Continue reading

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Trump & The NFL

Comments at Steve Sailer: * What Trump is doing is the only way to fight the Culture War — being unapologetic, up front, in their faces, not cowed by the media. The professional athletes themselves are just cat’s paws of … Continue reading

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Laughing With

This song is brilliant. Laughing With No one laughs at God in a hospital No one laughs at God in a war No one’s laughing at God When they’re starving or freezing or so very poor No one laughs at … Continue reading

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Indiana white nationalist called ‘the next David Duke’ isn’t stopping with Charlottesville

Robert King writes: Three weeks ahead of the coming apocalypse, Matthew Heimbach knew that violence was a real possibility in Charlottesville, Va. A prominent white nationalist who’d squared off with leftist counterprotesters before, Heimbach said the group he was leading … Continue reading

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If Milo is New Face of American Right We’re in Trouble

Paul Gottfried writes: As a historian of the American conservative movement, I dove into Milo’s book because I was interested in what it conveyed about the Alt-Right, but my interest quickly dissipated after I read the relevant remarks. I would … Continue reading

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