Monthly Archives: September 2017

Parasha Ki Tavo

This week’s Torah portion covers Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8. Listen here. * The eternal lament of my goy cohosts: “I should have been more prepared.” I’m amazed when they simply show up sober. * The Puritans who came to America saw themselves … Continue reading

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Why Are Europe’s Jews To The Right Of American Jews?

From Steve Sailer: From commenter Irish Paleo: Seeing things, as I do, from the Eastern side of the Atlantic, it’s fascinating the degree to which the different demographic vectors in Europe and America have driven the political priorities of: (a) … Continue reading

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ESPN 30 For 30: What Carter Lost

This documentary begins by talking about what fine folks attended the black Carter High School in Dallas. How the community was comprised of doctors, PhDs, professionals and the like. All good folks. In 1988, Carter High School (eight of these … Continue reading

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Suzi At Yale

Mark Oppenheimer writes about the original American campus sex scandal starring a Jewess named Suzi who gave a ton of blowjobs at age 14: News that Yale boys had been getting blowjobs from a townie—a freshman townie—was bad news indeed. … Continue reading

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Jewish Hebdo

I don’t see much significance to this accomplishment: “Asked to name highlights of his tenure, Eshman pointed to two. In 2015, Islamic terrorists in Paris massacred the staff at Charlie Hebdo magazine for printing cartoons they found offensive. The Journal … Continue reading

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