Monthly Archives: August 2017

The Ari Shaffir Comedy Special

I just watched the first Ari Shaffir comedy special on Netflix on children. It made me ill. #Poison A goy: “I knowwww!! It’s… like… see how unselfaware he is? Like obviously he doesn’t realize that he’s being Shlomo Shekelberg. But … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Uneasy Welcome as Ultra-Orthodox Jews Extend Beyond New York’

Why would there be unease over hundreds of Orthodox Jews moving into a neighborhood? Are you saying that different groups have different interests? That sounds unAmerican to me. New York Times: The influx, however, has provoked tensions with long-established residents, … Continue reading

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From An Editor At Reason Magazine

Libertarianism 2017! This is a young man who ostensibly wants a job someday, tweeting at professional women in his field under his own name — ElizabethNolanBrown (@ENBrown) July 29, 2017 Reason magazine editor Elizabeth Nolan Brown wants to ruin … Continue reading

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Should Rapists Have Pride?

Imagine a guy who says: I was born a rapist, but–no no, don’t worry, don’t freak out. I’m not a practicing rapist, thanks to years of the preemptive conversion therapy literally blasted at me from every public institution in the … Continue reading

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