Monthly Archives: August 2017

Yiddish Was The First Language Of Every Jew In Eastern Europe

In his first lecture on Rav Elchanan Wasserman for Torah in Motion, Marc Shapiro says: “Yiddish was the first language of every Jew in eastern Europe except for very assimilated Jews in Warsaw. You had some who raised their children … Continue reading

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The Future For The Right

Reader posts: As the percentage of the non-white vote grows at each election cycle both in the US and in the UK, and as boomers die off and more and more millennials become eligible to vote each year, how long … Continue reading

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Rav Isaac Hutner & The TWA Hijacking

In his part two lecture on the Ben Ish Chai at Torah in Motion, Marc B. Shapiro relayed what he learned by interviewing a woman (Mrs. Berkowitz) on the plane next to Rav Hutner in the famous 1970 TWA hijacking: … Continue reading

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My Worldview

From S7E3 of Game of Thrones on Sunday, Little Finger tells Lady Sansa: “Don’t fight in the north or the south. Fight every battle everywhere always in your mind. Everyone is your enemy. Everyone is your friend. Every possible series … Continue reading

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Ben Ish Chai – 19th Century Baghdad Rep For Biggest Drug Dealing Family In History

The Sassoon family profited from the opium trade in the 19th Century more than any drug dealer in history. They made Pablo Escobar look like a pisher. The Ben Ish Chai (R. Yosef Hayyim) was the Sassoon family’s representative in … Continue reading

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