Monthly Archives: August 2017

Did The Evil White Man Invent The Concept Of Race?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Ancient peoples, and most people outside western civ till quite recently, did not actually have a concept of race as developed in Europe during the early modern period. All peoples knew who they were, and … Continue reading

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Jordan B. Peterson: James Damore and his Google Memo on Diversity (complete)

Published on Aug 9, 2017: In this video, I talk to James Damore and another employee who wishes to remain anonymous about James’ memo regarding Google’s diversity programs and their overweening ideological basis. He was fired last night. That says … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘The Political Payoff of Making Whites Feel Like a Minority’

New York Times: The data show that race is less important to white Americans’ sense of self than to nonwhites — more white people say being white is not at all important to their identity relative to the numbers who … Continue reading

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Silicon Valley Conformity

New York Times: Mr. Thiel, also one of the original investors in Facebook, had given a prime-time speech supporting Mr. Trump at the Republican convention. In contrast, Mr. Hastings, a supporter of Hillary Clinton, said earlier last year that Mr. … Continue reading

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The Simpsons Explain The Google Manifesto

Hilarious. The Simpson's got there before Google. #Googlememo #Googlemanifesto — Christina Sommers (@CHSommers) August 8, 2017

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