Monthly Archives: August 2017

Would Americans Choose National Socialism If They Could?

National Socialism repels most Westerners today but the combination of nationalism and socialism is probably a winning electoral formula. I’m trying to figure out the hysteria about neo-nazis. Their numbers are few and their influence is tiny. Yet a Google … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘For Jewish Americans, echoes of the Holocaust and anger over Trump’s response to Charlottesville’

Remind me – how many millions of people were slaughtered on Saturday in Charlottsville? Los Angeles Times: “There are no good Nazis and no good members of the [Ku Klux] Klan,” the Republican Jewish Coalition said in a statement. “We … Continue reading

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Haaretz: ‘Army brass know that if every black soldier quit in protest over Donald Trump’s comments, the U.S. military would collapse’

Stunning insights from Amir Oren: When you combine 19th Century Man and 21st-century powers, you get U.S. President Donald Trump. And when you refuse to accept Trump, you get the most amazing phenomenon of the week: the public stand of … Continue reading

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Doxxing White Supremacists

I don’t doxx and I don’t like doxxing (the release of private information such as a home address or work place to harass people). I don’t like it when the Orthodox community does it to Meir Kin, following the directions … Continue reading

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Most Jews Don’t Have A Rabbi

There’s this notion among some non-Jews that every Jew has a rabbi directing him. That’s not how it works. Just as most Christians are not mentored by a pastor or priest, most Jews also do their own thing. A Jew … Continue reading

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