Monthly Archives: July 2017

July 3, 2017 Marked My 20th Anniversary Of Blogging

On July 3, 1997, I bought a real computer for the first time (a PC) for about $1,000, brought it home to the trailer I was renting in Culver City, dialed up to the internet through AOL, and began putting … Continue reading

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Kathy Shaidle On Pseudonyms

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Kathy Shaidle posts: It pains me to agree with Frum, but he’s right. I don’t come from a rich family, or am a Canadian-genetic-lottery-winner like him. Quite the opposite. I have been writing professionally for … Continue reading

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David Frum tweets: “My view: if you have something to say online, you should sign your name. If you won’t sign your name, you shouldn’t say it.” Steve Sailer writes: When I started writing professionally a little over a quarter … Continue reading

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Jews, Opium and the Kimono: Story of the Jews in the Far East (2003)

From page 72: [In 1932, Jewish] refugees were amazed to encounter the prosperous local community and to realise that Shanghai remained the only city open in the world, where visas were not required. Page 79: [White] Russian officers taught the … Continue reading

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Former EDL leader Tommy Robinson holds secret meeting with Manchester Jews

From the Jewish Chronicle in London: Members of Manchester’s Jewish community held a secret meeting with Tommy Robinson, the former leader of the far-right English Defence League. The controversial meeting, which took place in Prestwich last week, was billed as … Continue reading

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