Monthly Archives: June 2017

WP: ‘Harvard withdraws 10 acceptances for ‘offensive’ memes in private group chat’

I am glad to see a fellow Jew sticking up for free speech. Law professor Erica Goldberg blogs: According to the Harvard Crimson, Harvard has revoked the acceptances of at least ten students admitted to the Class of 2021. These … Continue reading

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75% of black California boys don’t meet state reading standards

Los Angeles Daily News: Across ethnicities and economic status, girls outperform boys on English in standardized tests Three of four African-American boys in California classrooms failed to meet reading and writing standards on the most recent round of testing, according … Continue reading

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Haaretz, I Didn’t Call for the Wholesale Killing of All Palestinians

Every victimology has a nationalism and every nationalism contains the capacity for genocide. I love the honesty and realism of the following essay: Haaretz: Israeli lawmaker Bezalel Smotrich: Any option leaving in place an Arab collective with national aspirations that … Continue reading

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The Alt Right Case For ISIS

Greg Ritter says on this May 28 podcast with Richard Spencer and company: “Are we against ISIS?” Richard: “Yes.” Greg: “Are we sure? Really? The Alt Right case for ISIS, I want to start this right now. ISIS is the … Continue reading

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The Holocaust As Religion

In a May 26 podcast, Richard Spencer says: “The Jews want the Holocaust to be the center of global morality and to have this concept of genocide on everyone’s minds but you can’t have an equal genocide [to the Holocaust]. … Continue reading

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