Monthly Archives: June 2017

Whites Vs Jews

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Jews thought (still think) that America was not only better than Russia, but that it was the greatest country on earth. Roth said as much. I think this is a cultural difference between Jews and … Continue reading

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Congressman Steve Scalise Shot By Bernie Bro

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Man who shot Congressman today was an anti-Trump Democrat. What is it about Democrats that creates a Climate of Hate (TM)? I’m sure we will be reading about this in the Wash Po, NY Times, … Continue reading

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India Will Never Be A Superpower

Comment: Absent an invasion and subsequent genocide (by the Chinese?), India is genetically incapable of ever becoming a superpower. But then it wouldn’t really be India that was the superpower, any more than one could now say the Iroquois or … Continue reading

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What Happened to the Hysteria About Trump-Induced Anti-Semitism?

Dennis Prager writes: Perhaps the individual who most spread the lie of Trump-induced anti-Semitism was a previously unknown man named Steven Goldstein, executive director of the previously unknown Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect in New York. They became famous … Continue reading

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’10 Jewish LGBT Leaders You Need to Know’

The Torah describes male homosexual sex as an abomination, but non-Orthodox Jews have long been at the forefront of the “equality” movement. From New Voices: News and Views of Campus Jews: As double minorities, LGBT Jews are small in number … Continue reading

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