Monthly Archives: May 2017

Rapewhistling for Hitler

Anatoly Karlin writes: About two thirds of the USSR’s 27 million casualties were civilians – that is, almost 10% of its prewar population. Had those percentages been applied to Nazi Germany, it would lost 8 million people – an order … Continue reading

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The Fear Of Seeming Gay

When a buddy went out to the desert with a friend to look at the wild flowers in bloom, he had to explain it as something gay. With homosexuality celebrated, many of the classy things men used to do, such … Continue reading

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When Hitler Was A Popular Jewish Name

When Hitler was a popular Jewish last name in New York — JTA | Jewish news (@JTAnews) May 10, 2017 (JTA) — “Herr Adolf Hitler of Germany would be covered with confusion if he dared to enter the … Continue reading

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A Friend Says I Look Like The Leader Of Hamas – Ismail Haniyeh

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WP: ‘Why the IRS puts white-nationalist groups in the same category as orchestras, planetariums and zoos’

Max Ehrenfreund writes for the Washington Post: The white nationalist movement has its intellectual roots in an old tradition of justifying racial prejudice through appeals to nonscientific theories of human evolution. The movement’s adherents generally espouse discredited ideas about race, … Continue reading

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