Monthly Archives: May 2017

Are You Addicted to Love?

From The Fix: Sex addiction, says Sarah Osborne, Director of Clinical Operations at Mountainside Treatment Center, involves preoccupation with sexual acts, and over time, the need for increased risk level associated with them. The sexual acts aren’t about the partner, … Continue reading

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Trying the Landmark Course

Amy Dresner writes: But by far the most off-putting thing to me was the marketing, the hard sell from the stage. The philosophy was interesting but the constant barrage of proselytizing under the guise of “enrollment” felt icky and violating…like … Continue reading

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Whither Trump?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Ingraham and Coulter continue to righteously bash Trump & family for the dishonest campaign. These two ladies cannot be bought off. Ingraham has major contacts on white house staff and she reamed Kushner today and … Continue reading

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NPR: All Across Latin America, Unwed Mothers Are Now The Norm

NPR: Latin America is now the region that has the highest percentage of children born out of wedlock. In Colombia, 84 percent of all children are born to unmarried mothers. Argentina, Mexico, Chile and other countries throughout the region have … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: ‘Asian man’s 2014 memoir moaning about racist white girls not dating him forgot to mention his family kept a slave’

Asian man's 2014 memoir moaning about racist white girls not dating him forgot to mention his family kept a slave. — Steve Sailer (@Steve_Sailer) May 17, 2017 Comments at Steve Sailer: * “Slave running. Slave mastering. Just another case … Continue reading

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