Monthly Archives: May 2017

Child Molester Joel Grishaver Getting A Lifetime Achievement Award For Educating Kids

A man emails me: I found your article online about Joel Grishaver. I was one of the many boys from Camp Alonim that was molested by Joel. It’s come to my attention that Joel is about to receive a lifetime … Continue reading

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How The Old Testament Explains Life Today

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I don’t want to bring in the Old Testament but there’s an enormous and vulnerable pattern involving Semitic tribalist grievance reasoning, which connects almost every leftoid program. (This is highly developed and documented among a … Continue reading

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Vox: “Charles Murray Is Once Again Peddling Junk Science About Race and IQ”

Steve Sailer writes: Getting worked up over Charles Murray being allowed on a podcast seems a little bizarre. (Here’s the podcast.) Under the faux indignation and clickbait headline, however, this is about as good an attempt as any to shore … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: What Apple Has Been Up to Since Steve Jobs Died

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It would be instructive to know what it was about California that so appealed to Steve Jobs. * Well in his absence his widow has certainly been working overtime to turn it into Mexico. * … Continue reading

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Who killed the Armenians? Muslims

Dennis Prager writes: The Journal’s editor-in-chief, Rob Eshman, recently wrote a column under the headline “Morgenthau’s Children,” about the film “The Promise,” whose subject is the Armenian genocide, and he addressed the subject of genocide in general. It was important … Continue reading

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