Monthly Archives: April 2017

Can A Society Reverse A Culture Of Promiscuity?

Natz comments: What you say about societies not being able to reverse “sexual liberation”, this would make sense theoretically if we consider that people never really understood any deeper significance of the traditions associated with religion but instead followed it … Continue reading

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Modern Love

Buddy: “Tell her you hate messaging on the app and ask her for her phone number.”

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The F. Matthias Alexander Story – It Ain’t Necessarily So

Robert Rickover, the son of the creator of America’s nuclear navy, operates He’s also an Alexander teacher, like Jeremy Chance, who often thinks outside of the box (such as teaching by Skype, Up With Gravity, etc) and is willing … Continue reading

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Was 2016 An ‘Ugly’ Election?

I’m watching replays of the various networks on election night 2016. I keep hearing the MSM describe the election as “ugly” and they couldn’t wait for it to be over. I ask — ugly to whom? To whom was this … Continue reading

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The rapper and the rabbi: Ice Cube and Rabbi Abraham Cooper heal old wounds

Jewish Journal: Ice Cube, the well-known rapper and actor, was about the last person anyone might have expected to emcee the recent Simon Wiesenthal Center/Museum of Tolerance 2017 National Tribute Dinner. It wasn’t so long ago that Cube and the … Continue reading

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