Monthly Archives: April 2017

What’s Next After the Russian Brouhaha Peters Out?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It will keep going and going and going. Russia will be the major issue at the next elections. You can sell anything for any amount of time. And why shouldn’t they? What’s the penalty? You’re … Continue reading

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Purists Kill Whatever They Believe In

Dennis Prager writes: According to The New York Times, 10 moderates, 15 conservatives, and eight other Republicans would have voted against the Republican repeal and replace Obamacare bill. So, then, 15 or so conservatives made it impossible to pass the … Continue reading

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It’s Time for Conservatives to Celebrate This President

Dennis Prager writes: Do conservatives — or non-leftists, for that matter — appreciate just how terrific Donald Trump has been as president? And how lucky we are that he won the presidency? I don’t know the answer. What I do … Continue reading

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NYT: ‘Ancestral Climates May Have Shaped Your Nose’

If ancestral climates shaped your nose, could they have shaped other parts of you, including your brain? That’s only logical. New York Times: Ask anyone what the nose does, and the reply will most likely be related to smell. We … Continue reading

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Denial (2016)

I enjoyed this movie. “Acclaimed writer and historian Deborah E. Lipstadt must battle for historical truth to prove the Holocaust actually occurred when David Irving, a renowned denier, sues her for libel.” Deborah Lipstadt is portrayed by a beautiful actress … Continue reading

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