Monthly Archives: December 2016

Tom Sowell’s Farewell Column

An excerpt: With all the advances of blacks over the years, nothing so brought home to me the social degeneration in black ghettos like a visit to a Harlem high school some years ago. When I looked out the window … Continue reading

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Fact-Checking Snopes

From the Chateau: Faceborg’s Mark Cuckersperg, smarting like a bruised betabuttboy from leftoid legacy media criticism that his platform aids in the dissemination of “fake news” (i.e., real news that doesn’t recapitulate the anti-White narrative), announced that the Winklevoss’s company … Continue reading

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Facebook Censorship

I previously got blocked from posting on Facebook for 48 hours because I quoted somebody using the word “fag.”

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Josh Gelernter In National Review: ‘A Conservative Defense of Transgender Rights’

Comments at * Mr. Gelernter’s error: A lot of situations are “communicative” and in these situations both parties must have a say. He may be free to smoke but he mustn’t blow his smoke into another man’s face – … Continue reading

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The Jewish Edge

Adults with post-secondary degrees (global) according to Pew: Jews 61% Christians 20% Unaff 16% Buddhists 12% Hindus 10% Muslims 8%

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