Monthly Archives: December 2016

“California’s Birthrate Falls to Its Lowest Level on Record”

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I have relatives in an affluent West Los Angeles neighborhood. Twenty-five years ago, Halloween was a significant neighborhood event, with regular trick-or-treating, Halloween parties, and the like. According to my relatives, this year, they had … Continue reading

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Amazing Racist

These skits are racist enough to be funny, but not too racist so that you feel uncomfortable, because the star is Ari Shaffir, who’s Jewish, and as an oppressed person of color, the Jew cannot be racist. According to Wikipedia: … Continue reading

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The Alt Right & The Jews – A Dialogue With Joshua Seidel

Joshua Seidel writes: It’s time for liberal Jews to stop. We know you are angry that you lost. We know you don’t like Trump, but claiming that America has become anti-Semitic, or that it’s not a friendly country for Jews, … Continue reading

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When Anti-Semitism Strengthens Group Identity

When most people, Jew or gentile, hear the term “anti-Semitism”, they immediately assume it is a bad thing, an ignorant prejudice, and a type of mental virus that leads to gas chambers. I am not so sure. From my perspective, … Continue reading

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Narcissistic Fathers

If you don’t deal with your past, your past will deal with you. The relationship you have with your inner world reflects your relationship with your mom. The relationship you have with your outer world reflects your relationship with your … Continue reading

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