Monthly Archives: December 2016

Forward: Inauguration ‘Deploraball’ Split Over Anti-Semitic Donald Trump Backers in ‘Alt-Right’

Trump-supporting ethno-nationalists and civic nationalists keep fighting with each other while the Left must cheer the personal destruction. The Forward has devoted more articles and more resources to the Alt Right than any other Jewish publication. They’ve done a ton … Continue reading

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Salon: ‘Faced with Donald Trump and David Friedman, Jews must resist the toxic allure of tribalism’

The essence of Judaism and of Jewish identity is tribalism. Jews are a tribe. They are an extended family partly in-bed (to use Steve Sailer’s definition of a race). As a convert to Orthodox Judaism, let me tell you that … Continue reading

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The Male Need To Rank

An anonymous commenter observes at Steve Sailer’s site: I make up a lot of music playlists on Youtube, and my stats say men are about twice as interested in music than women, no matter what type of music it is. … Continue reading

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Jews Should Be Fighting the Far Left, Not the ‘Alt-Right’

Joshua Seidel writes for the Forward: Liberal Journalists have had a tough couple of months. Liberal Jewish journalists? Even tougher. Nothing seemed to work this year. Trump was the worst person ever to run for President, they said. The mainstream … Continue reading

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‘As Brexit and the rise of Trump have already shown, we are living in an age of miracles.’

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Towards the end of his oped, he mentions how important high skilled immigrants like medical doctors are. I live in a town the SF bay area, where a majority of Docs are from India. The … Continue reading

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