Monthly Archives: December 2016

Donna Zuckerberg on Pickup Artists Roosh V and Ovid

Comments at Steve Sailer: * If Zuckerberg’s brother had learned some game, this man, one of the richest men in the world, maybe wouldn’t have ended up married to a peevish, career oriented Chinese (reminiscent of Ellen Pao) who is … Continue reading

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AltRabbi: ‘White goyim have made things pretty comfortable here for us Torah True Jews. It’s long overdue that we stand up for them.’

During 2016, there were a growing number of online resources for Alt Right Jews, including: Twitter Accounts: * AltRabbi * Anathematic * Luke Ford * Steve Notovitz * Elvis Nixon * Crud Bonemeal * Yair Stern * The Rebbe * … Continue reading

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There’s no State like an Ethnostate

Joshua Seidel writes: The messages stated almost immediately. As my piece went live, new Twitter accounts begun for this purpose began reaching out. “I’m a Jew, and I’ve always felt this way but I’m afraid to say it” was one … Continue reading

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Are Jews White?

Ari Ben Canaan writes: For Brodkin, who considers herself both White and Jewish, does not appear to take into account that most American Whites do not consider themselves to be anything other than American Whites. When told that their identity … Continue reading

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JPOST: ‘Hacked Soros e-mails reveal plans to fight Israel’s ‘racist’ policies’

Jerusalem Post: WASHINGTON— Hacked emails show that the Open Society Foundations, led by George Soros, has as an objective “challenging Israel’s racist and anti-democratic policies” in international forums, in part by questioning Israel’s reputation as a democracy. The documents are … Continue reading

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