Monthly Archives: November 2016

The True Meaning Of Thanksgiving

Let us give thanks that Anglos came to this country, conquered the natives, and kept expanding for as long as it was prudent to do so. That is how the world works. If you are stronger than your neighbor, you … Continue reading

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What Is The Alt-Right?

Comment: “It would help a lot if the Richard Spencers of the world weren’t doing their nazi-Germany historical recreation society gestures at otherwise respectable conferences.” No, you’re missing the point of Alt Right. Alt Right does not flow from respectability. … Continue reading

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Thousands evacuated as fires burn across Israel

Why does any country, including Israel, allow its enemies to live inside of them? I don’t blame Arabs and Muslims for hating the Jewish state and wanting to destroy it. I respect them for that. A Jewish state in their … Continue reading

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Without Faith, There Are No Good Guys Nor Bad Guys In The Universe

Without faith in a transcendent source of morality, we’re all just different forms of live trying to survive and thrive. In my 25 years in Jewish life, I don’t remember a rabbi, let alone a regular Jew, asking me what … Continue reading

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Dr Strangelove – A Nationalist Classic?

Yggdrasil wrote in 2000: This masterpiece of Stanley Kubrick was produced in 1963 and is a nationalist classic. Now you should find it strange to hear me argue that this “leftist movie” is a nationalist classic, but it clearly is. … Continue reading

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