Monthly Archives: November 2016

I Can’t Stop Watching Election Night Replays

It feels delicious watching the experts squirm as the night goes on. They were so confident of Hillary victory at the beginning, and then totally humiliated after 8pm PST. Around 9 pm PST, Tom Brokaw says audibly: “I have to … Continue reading

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Should The Alt-Right Disavow The Nazi Salute?

Many of my Jewish friends are freaked out by the Alt-Right and by the antics above. They see this behavior as evil. I think that’s a normal and healthy reaction. These Alt-Righers are proving their anti-social and self-destructive character. So … Continue reading

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I Am Very Happy With Amazon’s Customer Service

Over the past 15 years, I have increasingly made more of my spending on I like the prices and the convenience. I now get my groceries via Amazon Fresh. Today my delivery was late. I complained and got a … Continue reading

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Roland Martin Debate Vs. White Nationalist Richard Spencer Is Must See TV!

@lukeford Spencer is way too nice here, but his gentility in letting Martin ramble on and on only increases the entertainment value — Ari Ben Canaan (@ari_bencanaan) November 25, 2016

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An Orthodox Lesbian Character

An Orthodox lesbian character — and other reasons to watch ‘Younger’ @YoungerTV — JTA | Jewish news (@JTAnews) November 25, 2016

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