Monthly Archives: October 2016

The State Of Exception

In Judaism, life is almost always the highest value, just as self-preservation is usually the highest value of any nation state. No legal system, no constitution, is able to maintain itself in all contingencies. Sometimes a nation to survive must … Continue reading

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Ari Shavit Apologizes to American Journalist: I Didn’t Think I Committed Sexual Harassment

From Haaretz: Haaretz columnist Ari Shavit issued a statement of apology on Thursday after a U.S. journalist accused him of sexually assaulting her during an interview. “More than two and a half years ago, in February 2014, I met with … Continue reading

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Rabbi charged with sex abuse to get 1 year of counseling, no prison

Jewish Journal: Rabbi Sholom D. Levitansky has agreed to one year of counseling and residential treatment at Beit T’Shuvah, an addiction treatment center near Culver City, after pleading no contest to two counts of sexual penetration by a foreign object … Continue reading

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MEET THE DAPPER WHITE NATIONALIST WHO WINS EVEN IF TRUMP LOSES – Alt-right founder Richard Spencer aims to make racism cool again

Great article in Mother Jones (even though the author and the publication hate Richard Spencer’s views, they extend him a normal amount of empathy and do such thorough reporting that no matter your views, you are going to be interested … Continue reading

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Will Sex In The Toilet Renew Zionism?

From Mondoweiss in 2013: We have given a lot of attention to the Israeli journalist Ari Shavit’s book, My Promised Land, because so many leading American media have embraced his revivalist-Zionist themes, from the New York Times to NPR. Just … Continue reading

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